Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Program

Elective Rotations

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Nationwide Children’s Hospital Orthopedics

More than 10% of patients seen in clinic are pediatric, however fellows can gain more exposure through a pediatric orthopedic surgery outpatient rotation at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio (1 hour north of Chillicothe).

Wilderness Medicine

The fellowship will cover the tuition of one of the 4-week Wilderness Medicine Experiences:

NOLS Wilderness Medicine Course 4 weeks, Landon, WY

Wilderness Medical Society 4 week Elective New Castle, VA

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Procedures

Dedicated teaching sessions and frequent clinical application of musculoskeletal ultrasound is important in sports medicine training and beyond. Our program is designed to incorporate basic and advanced ultrasound utilization and procedural interventions. Such interventions may include injections (corticosteroid,hyaluronic acid,or PRP/ACP), ganglion aspiration, hydrodissection, hydrodilation orbarbotage, or percutaneous tenotomy/fasciotomy (Tenex®)

By the completion of the fellowship, the fellow will be proficient in the following procedures:

- Ultrasound evaluation of the shoulder
- Subacromial bursa injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Glenohumeral injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Trigger point injections
- Shoulder dislocation closed reduction
- Ultrasound evaluation of the elbow
- Lateral epicondyle injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Medial epicondyle injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Elbow joint injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Tenex procedure for chronic medial and lateral epicondylosis
- Ultrasound evaluation of the wrist
- Wrist joint injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Wrist tendonitis injections both landmark and ultrasound based
- Carpal tunnel injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Ultrasound evaluation of the hand
- Trigger finger injection
Finger joint including first CMC joint injections both landmark and ultrasound based
- Finger dislocation closed reduction
- Finger fracture closed reduction
- Metacarpal fracture closed reduction
Ultrasound evaluation of the hip 
Trochanteric bursa injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Hip joint aspiration/injection ultrasound based
- Ultrasound evaluation of the knee
- Knee joint aspiration/injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Knee bursa aspiration/injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Ultrasound evaluation of the ankle
- Ankle joint injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Ankle tendon injection ultrasound based
- Ultrasound evaluation of the foot
- Planta fascia injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Great toe MTP joint injection both landmark and ultrasound based
- Casting and splinting of upper and lower extremities