Adena Set to Enact No Visitor Policy
For the health and safety of patients, staff and communities, Adena Health System will begin a no visitor policy at all hospital locations beginning at 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 22, 2020. This policy will remain in effect until the COVID-19 pandemic crisis passes.
While hospital and clinic operations continue, it is necessary to restrict all hospital visitors during this time; for the safety of patients, essential hospital staff and clinicians. Exceptions will be for the following situations/patient populations. The number of persons, over the age of 13, allowed to accompany or visit a patient will be limited and dependent upon the following criteria:
- “End of life” situations with the approval of the patient’s provider;
- Labor and delivery will include mother and one support person;
- Minor patients (under 18) may have two visitors, limited to only parents or guardians; and
- One visitor/support person will be allowed with a patient during an Emergency Department visit; an outpatient surgery, procedure or office visit.
Visitors for patients confirmed or suspected of a COVID-19 infection are not permitted.
Once restrictions are activated at 5 p.m. Sunday, visitors to hospitalized patients will not be permitted, with the exception of:
- Patients with significant physical disabilities. In these instances, one support person may visit with the approval of the patient’s provider; and
- Patients having major surgery may have one support person on the day of surgery and one day after surgery.
Visitor exceptions will be approved through the patient’s nursing unit. Visitors will be escorted to and from the unit. Loitering inside the facility will not be permitted. All visitor waiting areas will be closed.
Effective immediately, walkways between Adena Regional Medical Center’s hospital and Medical Office Building are closed to patients and visitors. Any visitor or patient requiring access to either facility must have an Adena caregiver escort.
In addition, as reported on March 19, access to Adena facilities has been limited to specific entrances to assure adherence to the most effective infection prevention recommendations. Persons arriving at each entrance will also be required to complete COVID-19 screening protocols, which includes a temperature check.
Patients and approved visitors should watch for signs directing them to the appropriate entrance at all facilities. If you have an appointment with a physician or for a service, please call ahead to confirm that the clinic or service area is open.
For the most up to date COVID-19 specific information, and updates related to Adena operations and services, please visit ; also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter @adenamedical.